Grimmer S4 Consulting Services, LLC. is a small business joint venture (JV) formed by GTOi and S4 provide best value to US Government customers.
Additional Information on 8(a) STARS III Contract on GSA Website | GSA 8(a) STARS III Trifold
Agency: General Services Administration (GSA)
Contract #: 47QTCB21D0413
Contract Ordering Period: Available for use July 2, 2021 through July 1, 2026 with availability of 1 three (3) year option; performance can extend 5 years beyond
Services Included:
GSA 8(a) STARS III provides flexible IT services and IT services-based solutions through task order competitions. Services include:
- Data management
- Information & communications technology
- IT operations & maintenance
- IT security & IT workforce augmentation
- Software development
- Systems design
- Emerging technology
Contract Overview:
8(a) STARS III, a small business IDIQ GWAC, provides flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of 8(a) industry partners. This next-generation GWAC builds upon the framework of 8(a) STARS II and expands capabilities for emerging technologies and outside the continental United States (OCONUS) requirements.
Program Manager: Marie Grimmer,